Meet Tracy
Tracy is a frequent keynote speaker on color personality, self development, and spirituality.
She is the author of The Land Beyond Forever, Create the Life You Imagine: What Are You Waiting For? and From Oz to Om, The Spiritual Journey Home.
Tracy authors a spiritual-emotional e-letter followed by readers from around the world, encouraging readers to Create the Life You Imagine.
She is married and has four children, and lives on the Mississippi River in central Minnesota with her husband Jack
Tracy is a Yellow Personality with a Law Degree from the University of Minnesota, a Masters Degree in Counseling Psychology from the University of St. Thomas, and a Bachelors Degree in Psychology and Theology from the College of St. Benedict in Minnesota.
Tracy provides personal and professional life coaching and counseling, as well as organizational consulting, executive coaching and workshops through New Directions Counseling and Training, Ltd., in St. Cloud, Minnesota.
With over 30 years of experience as a lawyer, mediator, consultant, counselor and coach, she uses her broad base of knowledge and experience to help clients identify the issues and obstacles that are interfering with their personal or professional success, and to develop action plans to move forward with clarity, consciousness and empowerment. She works with clients using a strength based, holistic model seeking to balance the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual aspects of change and growth processes. Tracy particularly enjoys working with clients as they move through significant life and work transitions.
In addition to her work at New Directions, Tracy co-created the SEND™ Institute with her sisters Kate and Meg. The SEND Institute provides programs, workshops and events focused on personal and professional growth. The SEND Program is a cohort-based program of integrated personal and professional self development.
About the Logo
The Celtic symbol of the Tripal Spiral, or the Treskelion, is connected to Tracy's Irish roots and represents holistic growth and evolution. As a spiritual symbol, the archetypal spiral can represent the inward path from the outer life to the inner life, and the expansive path from the inner life to the outer life. The triple spiral also represents the cycle of creativity and evolution. We move through the three stages of life, death and rebirth again and again. The symbol reminds us that life is a process of change and growth that requires a willingness to let go of patterns that no longer serve us, so that new patterns and possibilities can emerge. Finally, the symbol represents unity, connectedness and the integrated three-fold nature of things: body-soul-spirit, the trinity, and the three levels of consciousness.