Tracy BoweGiving Thanks for Reds, Oranges, Yellows & GreensAs we approach the Thanksgiving Holiday, we might wonder how to thank the REDS, ORANGES, YELLOWS and GREENS in our lives: REDS: Look past...
Tracy BoweCoping by ColorCoping by Color Many of you have had the opportunity to learn about your personality color in one of my workshops or training sessions....
TracyWhen using color personality, what does it mean to be operating in your shadow?We know that understanding our personality type will point us toward our unique genius, talents and strengths. The corollary of that...
TracyHow does knowing the personality color of your co-workers help create better teamwork?Knowing about personality colors reminds us that creating strong and productive work teams requires us to notice and value the different...
TracyHow does knowing your personality color help you?The great sages, philosophers and spiritual teachers of all times have all taught the famous adage, “Know Thyself.” Your personality...