Laugh & Learn
About Personality Color Types and Relationships
With the Flynn Sisters
Tracy Flynn Bowe and Kate Flynn
Join Tracy, Kate & Paul for a night of learning, laughter, and
live music in a relaxed restaurant environment in St. Cloud
Laugh & Learn
Watch For New Dates Coming Soon
in St. Cloud, Minnesota
$20 per Person or $30 for Two
Food & Drink For Purchase
Bring your partner, family members and friends for this fun and social evening to learn about your personality color and how it impacts your relationships. Personality theory gives us a language for differences and helps us to love and appreciate the gifts and genius of all the types. Learn how understanding your personality color can help you create healthy relationship patterns and avoid some predictable traps.
In this presentation, Tracy will help you discover the important role personality plays in creating healthy, loving relationships. Be prepared to laugh and learn through a night of teaching, questions and answers, humor, and music.
Tracy is an author, coach and consultant who offers highly rated and dynamic trainings, keynote events, workshops and private coaching sessions on the four-color personality types based on the work of Dr. Carol Ritberger. She will be joined by singer-songwriters Kate Flynn and Paul Drinkwine who will provide music to entertain and inspire. This event will be held in a restaurant in St. Cloud, with food and drink available for purchase throughout the evening.