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Create the Life You Imagine ~ April 2019

Entering the Heart Center

“I would say that it is precisely the divine part of you that is great enough, deep enough, and gracious enough to fully accept the human part of you. If you are merely human, you will tend to reject your embarrassingly limited humanity.”

~ Richard Rohr

As you more consciously ground your energy in the Fourth Chakra Heart Center, you are liberated from the small self thinking of the lower triangle as you move into contact and then into relationship with your Divine Self. As you raise your energy into the Heart Center it’s like you begin watching your life unfold from this new perspective with deep love and acceptance of your lower triangle human personality, the way a parent might watch a beloved child move though life. Because the parent operates with more life experience and perspective than the child, the parent can hold the child’s struggles and difficulties with love, knowing that it’s all just part of the growth and learning process. In the same way, your Divine Self holds your lower triangle with love and acceptance and helps you stabilize the lower triangle. When the lower triangle struggles with a difficult life experience, it can offer the experience to the Divine Self in the Heart Center and trust that it will be met and transformed through the healing pathway of the heart and the power of the Soul.

When we recognize that our Personality is just a vehicle for our Soul, we reverse the flow of our energy system and instead of struggling to climb up that lower triangle mountain, we simply open the channel in our heart center and allow the energy of our Divine Self to flow in from the crown down. Imagine an hour glass with glowing white sand, and a plate that opens and closes through the center. When we bring our lower triangle into integrity and commit to letting our Soul take the lead, we open the channel in our fourth chakra and let our Soul energy flow down from our upper triangle. If we can commit to living from the crown down, we become less and less attached to the experiences and life events flowing through our lower triangle. Even when we experience difficulty, stress or challenge, our Soul Self knows it’s just another experience our small self is having here in Earth School and that our small self can move through it and grow through it with love and support from our Soul.

The energy of the Soul transforms the energy centers of the lower triangle and the illustration above shows us the balance created in a healthy lower triangle. When we let the energy of spirit flow in we take our place in the world in a new way. In the first chakra we find the courage to root into our own life story knowing that each of us have a unique reason for being here and that our presence on the earth matters. In the second chakra we let our passion for life lead us into relationships with others built on mutuality and respect that nourish our sense of self-esteem and belonging. In the third chakra we find our sense of focus and feel confident that we can activate our competencies, gifts and strengths in integrity with our unique life purpose. Now instead of spinning around in old fears, patterns and anxieties, we are able to use our lower triangle to be a truer expression of who we really are.

Once you understand that your personality is just your vehicle, you need to understand the gifts and strengths of your personality. I love teaching the personality work of Dr. Carol Ritberger, author of What Color is Your Personality, to help you understand how your personality vehicle is wired. She has four colors in her personality system: Red, Orange, Yellow and Green, and her work describes the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual aspects of each type. You will notice that these colors align with the first four energy centers we have studied and knowing this will help you think about both the strengths and vulnerabilities of your hard wiring. Below you will find a quick summary of the four personality types, but in general each of the personality types finds its personality home in the corresponding chakra color.

Red Personalities tend to anchor in the first chakra and focus on structuring life and achieving goals. They are more fully rooted in the physical world than other personality types and tend to manage that world with skill and competency. They are attracted to professions like medicine, finance, construction, law enforcement, military service and crisis or emergency response teams where they can use their knowledge and skill in the physical world to make a difference. The red archetype is the hero and they are prepared to leap into action and save the day. The shadow side of the red personality can be a bully energy in that they are strong-minded, black and white thinkers that can be rigid, stubborn and forceful about meeting their needs and desires. But when they bring their personality into the service of the soul, they are marvelous public servants who contribute much to the safety and well-being of their families and communities.

Orange Personalities tend to anchor in the second chakra and focus their lives on building caring and supportive relationships with others. Regardless of their job title or profession, they are relationship masters and community builders. They often show up in the service professions like education, nursing, social work, pastoral care and early childhood caregiving. They are quintessential parents and devoted family members who go out of their way to care for others. The orange archetype is the caregiver who anticipates the needs of others and dedicates their life to service. Their shadow can be the martyr energy that arises when they give too much to others at their own expense or in a relationship that doesn’t reciprocate the gift, and they become bitter and resentful. But when they bring their personality into the service of the soul, they strive to bring kindness, harmony and comfort to those around them and create sacred families and communities grounded in love and support.

Yellow Personalities anchor in the third chakra and are independent and analytical thinkers that focus their life on acquiring knowledge and understanding the world and the systems that control it. They tend to work as scientists, researchers, engineers, lawyers, architects, professors, philosophers or leaders in any profession. They are change agents and innovators that imagine the world as it might be and then work to lead the way. The yellow archetype is the alchemist who uses their mind to bring together various streams of knowledge and expertise and to create something new and innovative. Their shadow can be the destroyer energy if they get caught in skepticism and cynicism and use their mind like a sharp-edged sword. But when they bring their personality into the service of their soul, they bring forward new visions of life and become sacred leaders and teachers.

Green Personalities anchor in the fourth chakra and focus their lives on finding meaning and purpose. They are creative thinkers and free spirits who live more easily in the spiritual world than other personality types. They tend to work in professions where they can make a difference in the world and they love to understand what makes people tick. They are often teachers, psychologists, therapists, healers, writers, poets and artists of all varieties. They are passionate, loving, flexible and playful, and they look for the magic and joy in life. The green archetype is the seer and they have a capacity to see life from the energy of their soul and to connect with the deeper truths in life. Their shadow can be the wounded child energy if they feel mistreated, misunderstood or undervalued. But when they bring their personality into the service of their soul, they are truly the harmonizers and healers of the planet and a channel of grace for spirit to enter the world.

We tend to think of our Soul as residing in our personality, but in truth our personality is just a human expression of our Soul. Regardless of the color of our personality, when we live from the level of our Soul we rise above our personality and experience a real sense of transformation and resurrection. While we continue to use our personality self as our vehicle in life, our lives are lifted up and transformed as we come into greater and greater relationship with our Soul. From that level of awareness, we have access to both the gifts of our personality and to the universal gifts of the soul: faith, laughter, love, gratitude, hope, compassion, joy, optimism and wisdom, to name just a few.

On this holy day of Easter, we can choose to live in the spirit of resurrection, which simply means that we surrender the struggles and suffering of the small self and rise up into the balance and beauty offered by our Soul Self. Remember that the Soul Self is who you really are and it is always and forever present. We just have to raise the level of our awareness to access our Soul energy. Imagine just opening the channel in the heart center and letting the Soul energy of the upper triangle flow in like the sand flows through the hour glass to fill the lower triangle. It will transform your life and you will become a source of that grace and love in action.

Wishing you the blessings and light of the Soul, as you create the life you imagine.


Stepping Stones:

You know you are operating from your Soul energy if you have a sense of service in the world. The Soul energy transforms the lower triangle by bringing balance and harmony to our lower chakra centers, and then by using the lower triangle as a vehicle for service in the world. Think about your personality type and about the ways you use the energy of that color type in service to others. Write down ten gifts you notice you bring to the world and give yourself gold stars for the way you use your personality to serve others. You might want to read or reread What Color Is Your Personality to help you make new connections to your personality wiring and to really celebrate the beauty of each of the color types. Continue to work on your exit ramps when you get caught in the roundabout of the lower triangle, and get to the energy of your heart center where you can open the channel to your Soul and let that Divine energy flow into your life and into the world.

When we enter the heart center and clear our lower triangle, the spirit energy of our Soul falls effortlessly into our heart and through our lower triangle. To inspire you this week, click below to find Kate's Let the Spirit Fall Like Rain to remind you to enter your heart and let love flow, by going to the Products Page on my website and just scroll down to the Transcendence CD and click the track. Both of Kate's CD's are available for purchase on that page.

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